Thursday, January 7, 2010

Some Analysis - Iggy So

First of all, what's with the fences?

Architectural, contextual, iconographic implications:
1. "Many stereotypes have developed regarding people who live in trailer parks, which are similar to stereotypes of the poor."

FEMA camps: mobility/impermanence is a constant reminder of their tragic state
Airstream: celebrates their mobility/impermanence. Its futuristic look emphasize its "Americanism"
"An Airstream also makes a statement where ever it goes."

FEMA camps: for the people, the camps represent containment, bad taste, stagnation, poverty, etc
Airstream: "It [Airstream] represents freedom, good taste, adventure, quality, etc."

FEMA camps: Aesthetics is relative. The trailers used in the camps are normal, standard trailers, but appear bad in the camps
Airstream: it has established such a strong image that it can only be imagined as an icon of leisure

1.Transient/permanence and the two groups' perception of these concepts
2. Iconography
3. Philosophical analysis of aesthetics.

I think number 1 maybe the strongest topic, given that the project is named under it....
Also it has the potential to cover the other concepts

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