Unused trailers [1]
Katrina trailer camps [2]
At a Rally [4]
A Smaller Rally [5]
Media References:
1. Barnabas Nagy. "FEMA the new beast: trails, coffins, and concentration camps". Barnabas Nagy. November 2, 2008.
http://barnabasnagy.com/2008/11/02/fema-the-new-beast-trials-coffins-and-concentration-camps/ (Accessed January 7, 2010)
2. Leslie Eaton. "FEMA sets date for closing Katrina trailer camps." New York Times. November 29, 2007.
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/29/us/29trailer.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=fema%20camp&st=cse (Accessed January 7, 2010)
3. DW Morrison. "Airstream". DW Morrison. June 10, 2007.
http://www.dwmorrison.com/airstream.htm (Accessed January 7, 2010)
4. First Brokers Real Estate. "Airstream Trailer Rally, 1968". First Brokers Real Estate. 2005
http://www.first-brokers.com/2020applications/postcard.asp?categoryID_list=32&page_size=5&strKeywords=airstream&boolean=OR (Accessed January 7, 2010)
5. DW Morrison. "Airstream". DW Morrison. June 10, 2007.
http://www.dwmorrison.com/airstream.htm (Accessed January 7, 2010)
Can you find those trailers on GoogleEarth????????