An organized Airstream trailer gathering ("Rally or Rallies") are the core of what the Vintage Airstream Club and the Wally Byam Caravan Club Int'l are all about. The rally concept is an early one from the vintage era of the 1950s — a chance to use what Wally Byam intended his Airstream trailers to do, "hit the road, travel and explore our country, sharing discoveries and great places with other fellow Airstreamers."
The invention of the Airstream International in 1957 made these rallies possible. As the first "self-contained" trailer in the industry (with the first holding tank, the first ladder frame and the first pressurized water system), it did not have to rely on an external power and water source. The freedom from being "hooked-up" made it possible for people to travel anywhere with their airstreams.
Media References and Information Sources
1. WBCCI. "Rallies". The Vintage Airsteam Club. 2009
http://vintageairstreamclub.com/ (Accessed January 7, 2010)
I'd bet my left arm that's the Mississippi River in the background.