Sunday, January 10, 2010

Basics of Both Trailers - Andreea Toca

FEMA trailers
- trailers are transient, but FEMA camps are permanent.
- manufactured
- poor construction (formaldehyde poisoning)
- lack of quality in materials
- untrusted community (security guards around camps, camps fenced in)
- most fema camp trailer brands: wildwood, springdale, gulf stream, pilgirm, keystone, forest river
- most of these brands have not been around long enough to make a name for themselves in quality or history/tradition.
- lack aesthetics of modern culture
- less expensive
- sites were chosen by areas that have lowest voting rates (so that the community will not band together and say that they do not want fema camps in their neighbourhood)
- described as "prison grids"

Airstream Trailers
- permanently transient (no one lives in their airstream)
- manufactured
- better construction
- better quality materials
- trusted community (no fences, no security guards, just travelling Americans)
- airstream has made a name for itself in quality and tradition. (new green movement as well). Started out with just wanting to make trailers for the common folks that want to travel across airstreams are a symbol of luxury or even collectors items.
- aware of modern culture aesthetics therefore more popular and more expensive (pay a premium for this)

Information Sources:
Lewis, William. "Camp FEMA: American Lockdown." Camp FEMA. 2009. (Accessed January 10, 2010)

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